Ringwood Pest Control is a leading provider of mice removal services in Dorset and Hampshire.
Mice remain the most widespread pest problem in UK properties. Small and discreet, mice often live in properties unnoticed, allowing them to cause lots of damage along the way. Even if you spot a mouse in your property, they’re so quick and agile that catching them is incredibly difficult.
When left unchecked, mice cause extensive damage to wires, pipes, furniture, and other fixtures throughout a property. They also leave behind droppings and urines that carry various diseases, posing a huge risk to the health of anyone in the property.
For example, mice droppings can dry out and become airborne, potentially contaminating the air you breath in your home!
Therefore, it is essential to act fast at the first sign of mice infestations!
If you’re unsure that you have a mouse problem, common signs include small droppings, nesting, gnawing marks, and the sound of scratching between walls.